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Sunday 19 April 2009



Penggunaan EM Activated Solution pada kucing dapat membantu anda dari segi :-

1. Mengurangkan bau busuk
2. Mengurnagkan jangkitan kutu
3. Menghindar penyakit kulit/bulu
4. Meningkatkan kesihatan
5. Mendapatkan bulu yang bersih, lembut dan gebu
6. Membesar dengan cergas dan selesa
7. Meningkatkan kadar pembiakan

The common effects of using EM Activated Solution for cats are :-

1. Reduced odors
2. Reduced of tick infection
3. The prevention of skin disease
4. Increased healthiness
5. To have a clean, soft and fluffy hair
6. Comfortable life without stress
7. Encourage in the breeding rate

Cadangan Penggunaan

1. Minuman

- Campurkan EM pada minuman dengan kadar 1% atau nisbah 1:1000

2. Makanan

- Bancuh EM dengan air pada kadar 1:100 kemudian semburkan pada makanan
- Campurkan juga "EM BOKASHI" pada makanan

3. Syampu, Perapi dan Memberus

- Syampu dengan air yang dibancuh EM ia berfungsi sebagai perapi
- Apabila menggunkan syampu komersial bilas menggunakan air yang dibancuh EM
- Untuk memberus bulunya, semburkan EM yang dibancuh dengan nisbah 1:1000 untuk
meneutralkan elektrostatik pada bulu

4. Tandas

- Taburkan "EM CERAMIC" pada najis buangan dan lantai
- Sembur cairan EM dengan kadar 1:100 pada bekas buangan najis
- Selerakkan pasir/kerikil setebal 3-5cm pada bakul berongga, kemudian sembur cairan EM
dengan kadar 1:100
- Sembur cairan EM dengan kadar 1:100 agar kelihatan lembab pada sehelai kertas ke dalam
bekas kemudian letakkan bakul berongga tadi pada bekas tersebut, maka berfungsi sebagai
tandas kucing
- Tukar helaian kertas setiap hari dan bersihkan bekas & bakul berongga tadi dengan cairan EM
dengar kadar 1:100 setiap minggu
- Kumpulkan najis kucing dan perapkan dengan "EM BOKASHI" untuk dijadikan baja tumbuhan

Recommended Use

1. Drinling Water

- Mix EM in dringking water at rate of about 1% or 1:1000

2. Food

- Dilute EM with water at a rate about 1:100 then spray it onto the food to moisten it lighty
- Also mix "EM BOKASHI" in the food

3. Shampooing, Conditioning and Brushing

- Shampoo with water cootaining EM it also has a conditioning effect
- When using a commercial shampoo, rinse hair with water containing EM
- For brushing hair, spray EM diluted 1:1000 onto hair to suppress static electricity

4. Toilet

- Sprinkle "EM CERAMIC" onto the litter and the toilet pad
- Spray EM diluted at 1:100 onto the discharged urine and dung
- Place non-clumping gravel like litter at thickness of 3-5cm in a basket having crosses, and
spray EM diluted at 1:100 onto it
- Spray EM diluted at 1:100 abundantly onto a piece of paper on a tray then place the basket
in the tray to complete the toilet
- Change the paper everyday to a new one and wash the basket & tray with EM diluted at 1:100
once a week
- Collect the cat's dung and ferment it with "EM BOKASHI" to make compost for plant

Monday 13 April 2009


Untuk kegunaan di kediaman, EM Activated Solution membantu dari segi:-

1. Menanggalkan kotoran di dapur.

2. Menghilangkan bau busuk dari sisa makanan, mangkuk tandas, almari kasut dan lain-lain.

3. Meneutralkan sampah sarap.

4. Mencuci lantai dan dinding.

5. Membasuh dan membilas pakaian.

6. Membersihkan alatan memasak seperti kuali, pinggan mangkuk, oven dan lain-lain.

7. Mencuci sistem perparitan rumah.

For healthy house, EM Activated Solution has many significiant benefical impacts parts as:-

1. Removing the dirt at kitchen.

2. Removes any foul odor from garbage, toilet bowl, shoe box, etc.

3. Neutralize the garbage.

4. Cleaning floor and wall.

5. Cleaning and draining cloths.

6. All cooking part shining after wiping.

7. Cleaning the house drain system.

Cadangan Penggunaan/Recommended Use:

Dilution Rate/Pencairan

1. Tanpa Bancuhan/Crude Liquid

2. 10-50 kali/times

3. 200-500 kali/times

4. 500 kali/times

5. 500-1000 kali/times

6. 1000 kali/times


1.1 Bilik Mandi/Bath Room

1.2 Tandas/Toilet

1.3 Kebun/Garden

1.4 Dalam Rumah/Indoor


1.1.1 Mandian/Bath

1.1.2 Mesin Basuh/Washing Machine

1.2.1 Dalam dan sekeliling tangki tandas/Inside & around toilet tank

1.2.2 Tangki air (dua penutup)/Water tank (two caps)

1.2.3 Mangkuk Tandas/Toilet Bowl

1.3.1 Kolam & tangki air/pond & water tank

1.4.1 Kulat pada kulit/Kusyen/mold on leather

Kuantiti/Quantity 50 -100 ml 20 - 50 ml Jumlah yang mencukupi/approriate amount 20 - 50 ml 20 - 50 ml 1:10,000 air/water Jumlah yang mencukupi/Appropriate amount

Penggunaan/Application Setiap malam/keep overnight Setiap kali membasuh/every time you wash Jika perlu/Occasionally 2-3 kali/minggu/2-3 times/week Jika perlu/Occasionally Jika perlu/Occasionally Setiap 10 hari/every 10 days

Sunday 5 April 2009


Untuk Sektor Perikanan, EM Activated Solution membantu anda:-

1. Mengawal kualiti air.

2. Menghindarkan dan mengawal jangkitan parasit.

3. Mengurangkan bau hanyir air serta ikan.

4. Meningkatkan tempoh tumbesaran ikan.

5. Mengurangkan risiko kadar kematian ikan.

6. Mengurangkan pembentukan selut dalam air.

7. Meningkatkan pendapatan dengan teknologi EM.

8. Mengurangkan kos penjagaan tanpa sebarang penggunaan bahan kimia.

For Aquaculture sector, EM Activated Solution give the better results:-

1. Controls water quality.

2. Controls and reduces any disease.

3. The fish and water have no muddy smell.

4. Promotes Faster uniform growth.

5. Increases percentage of survive.

6. Reduces the quantity of sludge produced.

7. Increases the income by using EM Technology.

8. Reduces the cost of feeds, crop and ponds without any chemical uses.

Cadangan Penggunaan/Recommended Use :

Usia Ikan (Bulan) / Age of Fish (Month)

1 bulan / 1 month

2 bulan / 2 month

3 bulan / 3 month

Kuantiti EM (Liter/ekar) / Quantity of EM (Liter/acre)

12 - 15 liter

12 - 15 liter

12 - 15 liter

Penggunaan / Interval of addition

Setiap 7 hari / Every 7 days

Setipa 7 hari / Every 7 Days

Setiap 7 hari / Every 7 Days

*Kadar Penggunaan / Rate Application 1 : 1000

Bancuh dan campurkan pada makan / Mix EM onto feeds


1. Jangan gunakan air berklorin

2. Jangan gunakan sebarang bahan kimia


1. Do not use Chlorine water

2. Do not use any chemicals added

Thursday 2 April 2009


Untuk Sektor ternakan haiwan EM Activated Solution membantu anda dari segi:-

1. Mengurangkan bau busuk dengan ketara pada haiwan, kandang dan tangki septik.

2. Mengurangkan populasi lalat,kutu, serta serangga berbahaya.

3. Membantu meningkatkan kesihatan ternakan.

4. Mengurangkan faktor tekanan pada haiwan dan meningkatkan immuniti melawan penyakit.

5. Meningkatkan kualiti produk ternakan serta jangka hayat ternakan.

6. Meningkatkan produktiviti ternakan.

7. Menjimatkan kos keperluan ternakan dari segi penggunaan ubatan, antibiotik dan antiseptik.

For Livestok sector EM Activated Solution has many significant benefical impacts parts as:-

1. Suppresses foul odour in livestock sheds and septic tanks.

2. Decreases flies, tick and other harmful insect populations.

3. Enhances animal health.

4. Reduces the stress factor in animal and enhances immunity against diseases.

5. Increases the quality of animal products and enhances shelf life.

6. Improves animal fecundity.

7. Lower the requirements of regular medicines, antibiotics and disinfectants in animal husbandry.

Cadangan pengunaan/Recommended use
Aspek Pengunaan/Feature of use

1. Haiwan ternakan kandang, tangki septik & najis
Livestocks, Sheds, Septic tanks & Dungs

2. Makanan & Minuman ternakan
Feeds & Drinking water

Cara Penggunaan/Methods of Application

Sembur EM pada ternakan serta tempat berkenaan
Spray EM onto animal entire barn & etc.

Bancuh dan semburkan pada makanan & minuman
Mix EM onto feeds & drinking water.

Kadar Penggunaan/Rate of Application

1:100 Minggu 1, setiap hari/1st week, Every days
1:300 Minggu 2, setiap 3 hari/2nd week, Every 3 days
1:1000 Minggu 3, setiap 7 hari/3rd week, Every 7 days
Jika perlu, 1 kali seminggu/Occasionally, once a week

1:1000 -1:5000 Gunakan pada ternakan muda sahaja
Only use for very young animals.


Untuk sektor Pertanian, EM Activated Solution membantu dari segi :-

1. Menggalakkan pembenihan, tumbesaran, pendebungaan, pembuahan sehingga hasil penuaian.

2. Menambahkan kapasiti nutrien dalam tanaman.

3. Meningkatkan mutu organik tanpa penggunaan sebarang bahan kimia.

4. Meningkatkan daya ketahanan tanaman terhadap serangan serangga perosak dan penyakit.

5. Membantu meningkatkan taraf kualiti alam sekitar.

6. Meningkatkan kualiti hasil tanaman.

7. Membantu mempercepatkan tempoh tumbesaran tanaman.

8. Mengurangkan kos penjagaan tanaman.

For Agriculture sector, EM Activated Solution has many significiant beneficial impacts parts as:-

1. Promotes germination, growth, flowering, fruiting and harvesting.

2. Enchances the nutrient capacity of plants.

3. Increases the efficacy of organic matter without any chemicals uses.

4. Develops resistance of plants to pest & diseases.

5. Improves quality level of invironment.

6. Improves the quality of the produce.

7. Ensure faster crop growth.

8. Reduces the cost of farming over time.

Cadangan Pengunaan / Recommended Use
Tempoh Pengunaan (Bulan) / Period of Uses (Month)

Bulan seterusnya / Next months

Kuantiti EM (Liter) / Quantity of EM (Liter)


Penggunaan / Interval of addition

setiap 7 hari / every 7 day
setiap 7 hari / every 7 day
setiap 7 hari / every 7 day
seperti diatas / same as above

Perhatian/Caution :-

*Jangan Gunakan Air Berklorin/Do not use Chlorine water.
*Jangan Gunakan Bekas Beracun/Do not use Chemical Container.

Penyimpanan EM/Storage of EM

*EM disimpan berkeadaan bekas bertutup rapat di tempat kering bersuhu bilik dan berteduh/Stored EM in a closed container and kept in a dark and cool place.

*Jangan terdedah kepada matahari/Avoid from direct sunlight.

Friday 6 March 2009

WHAT is EM ??

How would you like a non-toxic household cleaner, plant food, compost additive, and even a potential source for getting monatomic elements from rockdust.

EM stands for Effective Microorganisms. EM comes in a liquid form and consists of naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms. The microbes in EM are non-harmful, non-pathogenic, not-genetically-engineered or modified (non-GMO), and not-chemically-synthesized, and EM is not a medicine either. The basic groups of microorganisms in EM are lactic acid bacteria (commonly found in yogurt, cheeses), yeast (bread, beer), and phototrophic bacteria.

EM is used in a variety of ways, mostly by mixing it with or applying it to other organic materials. The EM microbes can be activated by being fermented with (organic) molasses and quality (filtered) water.

Originally, EM was developed for use in agriculture (crop farming) as an alternative to agricultural chemicals. However, EM is not a fertilizer and unlike the purpose of fertilizers, the purpose of EM is to increase the number of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. This is to improve the soil's microbial health and promote a healthy environment for plants.

EM is mixed with organic matter to ferment it (usually the least expensive, most abundant and easily available material, such as rice bran or wheat bran, and other materials, including fish meal, bone meal, crab shells, etc. can be added to match nutrient requirements of the crop). This produces EM Bokashi ("bokashi" is a Japanese term meaning fermented organic matter). It is then applied to the soil as fertilizing material. (EM itself is not a fertilizer.)

From crop farming, its application flowed naturally into livestock. Outside the U.S., EM is actively used in livestock operations, including hog, cattle/dairy, and poultry.

From livestock, the positive effects on the livestock waste and effluent into lagoons and rivers led to the use of EM for environmental purposes: from land/soil remediation to water purification.

EM environmental applications throughout the world have included cleaning polluted waterways, lakes and lagoons, in septic systems, municipal wastewater treatment plants, landfills/dump sites.

More Introduction

Effective microorganisms (EM) technology has now become a major science, assisting in the creation of sustainable practices for agriculture, animal husbandry, nature farming, environmental stewardship, construction, human health and hygiene, industrial, community activities and more.

EM for Agriculture and Community Health.

The basic concept of EM in Agriculture is that multiple applications of beneficial and effective microorganisms improve the health of soils that produce healthy crops. EM is effective in organic farming as an alternative to chemicals. Its range of applications since 1982, has expanded into livestock and aquaculture as well as into Community Health areas such as waste treatment and other environmental applications. Today, EM has become very popular and is used in over 100 countries worldwide.


Apart from Agriculture, the most often recognised application of EM is composting your household waste.A "brew" of effective microorganisms can be added to your waste material in your composter which works on the waste and breaks it down. The beneficial role of this microbial solution has the ability to break down organic matter, thereby providing plant nutrients and enhancing physical and chemical properties.

Yogarty drinks with bacteria in them

The functional food market is growing at a rate of 15-20% per year, with rising consumer interest in health and continued strong growth in the soft drinks market.Yogurt-based, low acid, nutraceutical beverages targeted to adults and elderly person's needs have recently hit the market. They generally contain effective microorganisms as viable probiotic bacteria ABC type cultures and Maca (Lepidium Meyenii or Lepidium Peruvianum) as a supplement. Maca is a natural product very well known for its invigorating properties, promoting mental clarity, treating impotence, menstrual irregularities, and hormonal imbalance. The yogurt based drink formulation generally consist of yogurt, maca, glucose, stabilizer, natural and artificial flavors, and colorants.